Standing Committees

Our volunteers help drive the work that needs to get done for Democrats to win elections.

Local parties are driven by standing committees, and the Democratic Party of Marion County is no exception. Volunteers donate their time and skills to help the Marion County Democrats in a specific area of need. Each committee and caucus has a standing chairperson who serves as a liaison between the committee volunteers and the rest of the Marion County Democrats leadership.  Committees have a wide range of interests and goals, from a focus on outreach and communication, to assisting in the office, to assuring we have the technology in place to manage our local Party work.

Here’s a list of the committees and what they do. Interested people should email the corresponding committee chairs or fill out the form on the committee page.

The Neighborhood Leader Program Committee is the committee behind the Neighborhood Leaders.  Join this committee if you want to help administer and run the NLP. 

We hope you find a committee that speaks to you and what you love to do.

To find out more about any of the committees below, contact the chair of each committee via email. Committee Chairs are always looking for new volunteers and would love to hear from you!