The Membership Committee is a standing committee of the Marion County District Central Committee (MCDCC). The committee is convened by the MCDCC chair at each Re-Organization Meeting, which takes place every two years on even-numbered years. The next Reorganization Meeting will be held in November 2024.
The MCDCC Membership Committee is charged in the bylaws with recruiting, training and supporting the voting members of the MCDCC, known as Precinct Committee Persons (PCPs). PCPs are the grass roots of the party.
Goals of the membership committee
Reach out and breathe new life into Marion County Democrats county-wide who have become disillusioned and/or inactive in our local party.
Recruit and support new and existing PCPs with ongoing training and other tools at our disposal.
Fill as many vacant PCP positions as possible in order to better rally voter support, promote Democratic candidates and assure a two-way communication between the local party and Marion County citizens.
Collaborate with and support other Standing Committees in order to achieve common goals.
Carrying out these goals by
Initiating membership drives and local community activities in neighborhoods and towns throughout Marion County.
Working with the Communications Committee to create these membership drives and promote the party through public relations programs and free/low cost advertising in traditional and social media.
Working and supporting the Fundraising and Program Committees in their efforts to engage voters by sponsoring provocative, interesting and educational events.
Designing and distributing brochures, handouts and business cards to active members for engagement with citizens.
Surveying and recruiting Marion County Democrats countywide and guiding them toward the Standing Committees that pique their interest in order to engage the electorate.
Meeting and greeting new members and visitors during meetings; Conducting follow-up calls to new or recently re-activated members and visitors to access their needs and help them feel welcome and included in the party.
Using surveys and other information-gathering mechanisms to better understand Marion County Democrats and other progressive-minded voters in order to best serve them through active participation in the Democratic Party.