Dear Fellow Democrats,
Thank you to all who attended our 2024 Holiday Party!
As we reflect on 2024, the wins we’ve had are undeniable. In 2025, many important victories lay ahead for us locally. We will win the Salem City Council Ward 6 seat to be vacated by Mayor-Elect Julie Hoy. We will protect the 4 seats opening on Salem-Keizer School Board, all currently held by Democrats. We will support Woodburn School Board races, and together, we’ll elect Democrats on boards throughout Marion County.

We need your help to support local candidates to the greatest extent possible. We’ve recently gained the ability to text bank, to reach young voters in Marion County. We will also translate our slate card to Spanish to reach the Latinx community, an important and underserved voting bloc in our county. It’s absolutely true that our victories in May depend on our ability to turn out as many voters as possible. It’s also true that our ability to turn out voters relies on on the generous donations from supporters like you.
From now until December 31, you can help us elect common-sense leaders and defend local Democrats at the ballot box in 2025 – and it doesn’t have to cost you anything. If you file an Oregon tax return, you may be eligible for the Oregon Political Tax Credit. This allows you to contribute up to $50 (individual filers) or $100 (married filing jointly) to the Marion County Democrats and receive every dollar of it back when you file your taxes next April.
Our state allows most taxpayers a $50 gift. But you can’t keep it. You either pay it back in taxes, or donate it to a qualified political committee, like the Marion County Democrats. This isn’t a deduction, but a tax credit. This means if you owe money to the state, you will owe up to $50 or $100 less. If you are due a refund, your refund will be that much more.
Contribute $50 and reserve your limited edition Marion County Democrats soccer-style knit sports scarf, design pictured below. Contribute $100 to reserve two scarves! Scarves will be available for pickup in late January. And it doesn’t have to cost you a thing, with Oregon’s Political Tax Credit!
Scarves will feature red, white, and blue fringe – Union Made in America

From all of us at Marion County Democratic Party, we wish you a happy and safe New Year. We’ll see you on the other side. Thank you so much for your important support!
To victory,
Paige Barton
Chair, Marion County Democrats
(Campaign Finance Disclosure: Fair market value of knit scarves is included within the$50 contribution and shall be reported as such for compliance with ORS 260.665.)
Paid For By Marion County Democratic Central Committee, PAC ID 332