Donate today!
Whether it’s maintaining our public-facing office, creating attractive and professional slate cards to support our endorsed candidates, or enabling hundreds of local volunteer canvassers to contact their neighbors through the Neighborhood Leader Program, much of what we do requires funding!
Want to support our work, but aren’t ready to become a monthly sustainer? Use this link to contribute a one-time donation!
If you would like your donation to be earmarked for something special, such as The Neighborhood Leader Program or to a specific committee, please use this link to donate and then email our treasurer at to specify the earmark you would like the Treasurer to apply to your donation.
Our Sustainers are the people who give monthly and are responsible for keeping our office open. Our Sustaining Donors are so important to us and are part of our Democratic Victory Alliance.
They keep our office open year-round and help us fund the work to keep electing democrats across Marion County. Whether you give $5 per month or $50, any amount is welcome!
If you would like to donate items to MCDCC such as paper, stamps, auction items, beverages or services, please complete this In-kind Donation Form and return to us by emailing the form back to our treasurer at or by mailing to us at PO Box 13835, Salem, OR, 97309.
Please feel free to email us with any questions you may have about your donation.